What time signature is this in? O_o
What time signature is this in? O_o
Haha weird time signatures are kind of my thing, so I'm going to give you a ridiculously in depth answer.
the first riff is four measures of 7/16, followed by a measure of 4/16 to form 2 complete bars of 4/4. So it goes like: 7/16+7/16+7/16+7/16+4/16=32/16=2.
the part starting at 13 seconds is similar, in that it goes:
9/8 + 9/8 + 9/8 + 5/8 = 32/8 = 4 bars of 4/4
then its in 4/4 for a long while, with just some weird emphasis at some parts, it doesn't get weird again until like 2:20, where it goes:
25/16 + 25/16 + 14/16 = 64/16 = 4 bars of 4/4.
then the last riff is the same as the beginning, and that's all the weird sections. Haha it's really all in an overriding 4/4 meter, just listen to the cymbals and you'll always be able to count 1,2,3,4.
This kinda goes more into trance-y kinda style
I thought this was like a trance song at first, until I heard the classic snares, lol. Not too bad, I kinda like it.
Yeah, after I made it and listen to it again, I realized how technoish it sounded, haha. But now and days techno and trance and stuff are mixed with hip hop more and more so I guess I kinda got into that for awhile, lol. Thanks for the review man. Glad you liked it.
Dang O_O
Pretty awesome for a classic... I imagine this being in DDR or something like that, great work!
Kinda nice
However, I think it would do a lot better if there were smoother transitions in various points in the song. Also, you might want to variate on the melody.
I can imagine this to be even better than it already is. Keep up the good work.
Thx for the review dude :D
Grtz ~ Weemeee ^^
My ears.. The repetitive intro... It rings in my ears <_<
It could have been a lot better, if it wasn't that repetitive. Especially the intro thing.
The longest I'd say for an intro is about... 16 measures. But for your pattern, I'd suggest eight at most.
I'm sorry, but this just didn't cut it. Try harder.
You have no sense. Video game music is supposed to be repetative. It is a game theme. Deal.
This is made of pure awesomeness.
However, there seems to be hints of off tempo, but it's barely noticeable.
Great job!
Also, you should do the boss battle of Megaman Battle Network 1 D:
EXCELLENT suggestion! I remember back when I taught myself to play that song on my keyboard... the memories are flooding back now.
I shall highly consider it, my good sir! Thank you for your comment!
AJKlamwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauhrhahurhuah rhdfuhurudhurahwuhwadhurdhruuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu u
That's basically what it would be.
What was that in the beginning?
I could only assume that's an intro... A bad one to start out with.
Also, I notice that you have a problem with staying in a scale... Most of the time, if you deviate from a scale, it would sound veeeeery harsh to the ears. Also, you might want to use some different synths and a different sounding snare...
Also, you might want to have some coherence in your song.
Nice try. Better luck next time.
thanks for the insight pretty low score you gave me, but owell atleast someone commented, i really do need alot of help with fl studio, cant seem to get things to sound like i want them to such as whenever i make a song i cant get all the instruments in tune so they are different pitches.
The main melody does not sound right, unfortunately... You should keep your melody on a set scale... Drop the third note down half a step. Then the fourth note two half steps. That might fix it... And you could probably cut off half of the song.
Other than that, you're doing fine. Keep it up.
I get what ur saying...i had the notes like that at first but it sounded to i changed them and i like this version better. thanx for the input though
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Joined on 3/9/08